Regular Activities

HomeRegular Activities

Growth Groups

We have a number of Growth Groups that run through the week where we look at God’s Word, discuss it, pray together and care for one another. We have men’s, women’s, mixed, and young adults’ groups. Some of our groups run during the day, and some run at night. We would love to help you get connected in with a group! Get in touch with us or come along on a Sunday and chat with one of our team. 

Craft, Cuppa & Chat

Come along to Craft, Cuppa and Chat for a relaxed morning of craft, morning tea and a devotion!

Sometimes we do crafts together and other times we bring our own craft projects to work on. Starting in 2024 we will also have guest demonstrations! If you’re not into craft you might like to just come along for a cuppa and a chat!

Craft, Cuppa & Chat is on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 9:30 – 11am.

Song Club

Song Club is an opportunity to learn some new songs that we will be singing at church, and sing some old favourites together. Everyone is welcome – you don’t have to be a good singer! Song Club is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm.  

Women's Walking Group

On Tuesday mornings at 9:30am a group of women meet in the church carpark before heading on a leisurely walk around Wollongong, followed by coffee together at a local cafe. We always love having new women join us! 

Monthly Prayer Meeting

Prayer is a vital part of all that we do. It is how we relate to God, and is an expression of our reliance on Him. It is also a great chance to thank God for all he has done and continues to do for us. 

On the 2nd Sunday of the month we meet at 8:30am (before church) to pray for our church, our city and our world. 

Interested in finding out more?

We’d love you to join us. Get in touch with us to find out more information about our regular activities!